Chinese Supercomputer Aids in Fighting Diabetic Complications
Chinese scientists leverage Tianhe-2 supercomputer to combat diabetic complications. 2MBC, a branched-chain acylcarnitine, identified as a promising therapeutic compound. Compound enhances platelet function and accelerates blood clot formation.
Located in Guangzhou City, the Tianhe-2 is one of the fastest supercomputers in the world, ranking 16th on the TOP500 list. Using this amazing computational capability, researchers at Sun Yat-sen University discovered a promising therapeutic technique for addressing problems connected with metabolic illnesses such as diabetes.
Using the Virtual Screening on Tianhe-2 (VSTH) technology, the team discovered that 2MBC, a branched-chain acylcarnitine, can significantly accelerate blood clot development in the body. This discovery opens up new avenues for creating novel medicines and therapeutic targets for diabetic problems.
Diabetes is a common chronic disease globally, and its complications, such as blood clot development, can have serious repercussions for individuals. 2MBC improves platelet aggregate, distribution, and contractility by impacting them directly. This impact has been seen in both rodents and humans, making it a good option for future research and development.
Interestingly, gut bacteria create the chemical 2MBC. The researchers discovered that pre-treatment with antibiotics to remove gut bacteria significantly inhibits the metabolic conversion of 2MBC. This discovery emphasises the complex link between gut microbiota and metabolic diseases, providing important insights for future research.
The Tianhe-2 team is devoted to extending the drug discovery platform's capabilities. With its remarkable speed and access to massive data resources, the supercomputer has the potential to catalyse game-changing biomedical innovations.
Chinese scientists leverage Tianhe-2 supercomputer to combat diabetic complications
2MBC, a branched-chain acylcarnitine, identified as a promising therapeutic compound
Compound enhances platelet function and accelerates blood clot formation
Source: CGTN