The New PS5 Comes With Smaller Heatsink, Possibly Worse Performance
If you've heard about Sony quietly launching a new PS5 Digital Edition model that has a new stand design and a lighter weight, you're probably wondering what could have caused the mysterious weight reduction. YouTuber Austin Evans recently shared a teardown explaining that the latest PS5 weighs less because of its smaller heatsink, a device that keeps the gadget cool.

In the video, Evans noticed that about half of the heatsink was removed in the updated model, which made the new PS5 approximately 287g lighter than its predecessor. As a result, the console recorded hotter rear exhaust temperatures.
"I don't think there's any argument that this is a worse console, at least for thermals and for cooling. As far as I'm concerned, I would rather have a launch PS5," said Evans.
Fellow YouTube creator Jimmy Champane, who was in the same video as Evans, also commented on the change in the heatsink.
"Even if you have that heatsink, that SSD is going to get hot. And if this one has worse cooling, you're going to have trouble with that SSD," Champane added.
It is unclear why Sony changed the heatsink this early on in the PS5's lifecycle, but Evans noticed that the new model had rear exhaust temperatures that were three to five degrees Celsius hotter than what the original PS5 Digital Edition recorded. The difference might have been caused by manufacturing variance.
Evans speculated that Sony shrunk the size of the PS5 heatsink to cut expenses. In February 2021, reports revealing that Sony struggled to keep PS5 hardware costs down surfaced. The price of the console was partly affected by its expensive cooling solution.
As of now, the new PS5 model is being sold in Australia, Japan and some areas in the U.S.

With Sony making the PS5 heatsink smaller, it would be interesting to know if the company is working towards building a smaller PS5 model. Currently, the PS5 is the biggest gaming console in modern history, measuring 390mm tall, 260mm deep and 104mm wide.
Written by Sophia Lopez
#NewPS5ModelCoolingPerformance #NewPS5ModelThermalPerformance #NewPS5ModelShrunkenHeatsink #NewPS5LighterWeight